Hans Zender * November 22, 1936 † October 22, 2019
On the death of Hans Zender
In the middle of the rehearsals for Hans Zender’s composed interpretation of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations, 33 changes over 33 changes for a large ensemble, which the Klangforum Wien will perfom on October 26th as part of his project HAPPINESS MACHINE at the Wiener Konzerthaus, we received news of the death of the composer, who died last night.
Hans Zender was not only one of the most important composers of his generation, he was also one of the outstanding conductors and orchestra leaders and probably the most productive and profound music thinker and writer of his time. Especially the two most recently published books Waches Hören. Waches Hören (2014) and Denken hören – Hören denken (2016) show the author in the extraordinary philosophical condensation of his knowledge at the peak of his universalistic world view.
The special philosophical quality of Hans Zender’s work was highlighted and recognized by the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna in two multi-day symposia organized by University Professor Violetta Waibel in 2014 and 2017.
Since it was founded in 1985, Klangforum Wien has been closely friends with Hans Zender, and numerous works by the composer are an integral part of the ensemble’s repertoire and are documented on CD by the musicians. The most recent composition for the Klangforum Wien was Adonde? Wohin?, which Hans Zender wrote for the Klangforum on the occasion of the ensemble’s 25th anniversary.
The Klangforum Wien honors Hans Zender as an extraordinary person who has restlessly endeavored throughout his life to bring his many talents to blossom and fruit with great openness and tireless work. We share in the grief for our friend and will keep him an honorable and loving memory.
On behalf of the ensemble
Sven Hartberger
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