Acht Brücken Festival
Happy ancient Greece! There, a »symposium« did not denote an academic conference with tiresome lectures and panel discussions, but a social gathering chaired by Dionysus. Wine was still considered a legitimate means of expanding one’s spiritual consciousness, heaven’s gift to humanity and an essential element for a cultural event with music and inspiring conversation. With its five-hour »Rausch in acht Abteilungen« (Inebriation in Eight Divisions), Klangforum Wien invites the audience to a revival of these ancient customs. Assuming the role of the symposiarch, Louwrens Langevoort, Festival director and artistic director of Cologne’s Philharmonie, leads a stroll through music of modern times, including Gustav Mahler’s »Trinklied«, Morton Feldman’s »Atlantis« and Terry Riley’s »The Room of Remembrance«. Snacks and drinks will be served and the setting is relaxed, with seating on cushions and futons. The consumption of alcohol, of course, is not mandatory, just a complementary offer. The music will be inebriating enough!
Text: Acht Brücken
Gustav Mahler
— Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde
Matthias Krüger
— craving your kiss
Enno Poppe
— Koffer
Mirela Ivičević
— Sweet dreams
Clara Iannotta
— a stir among the stars, a making way
Tristan Murail
— Mémoire/Erosion
Alberto Posadas
— GA (premiere)
Morton Feldman
— Atlantis
Terry Riley
— the room of remembrance
Dustin Drosdziok, Tenor
Lorelei Dowling, Kontraforte
Christoph Walder, Horn
Baldur Brönnimann
Mahler | Krüger | Poppe | Ivicevic | Iannota | Murail | Posadas | Feldman | Riley